A giant American flag is displayed during the national anthem prior to a baseball game between the San Diego Padres and the Cincinnati Reds Thursday, June 17, 2021, in San Diego. Petco Park opened up for full capacity viewing of a baseball game without masks for the first time since the 2019 season. (AP Photo/Derrick Tuskan)

A giant American flag is displayed during the national anthem prior to a baseball game between the San Diego Padres and the Cincinnati Reds Thursday, June 17, 2021, in San Diego. Petco Park opened up for full capacity viewing of a baseball game without masks for the first time since the 2019 season. (AP Photo/Derrick Tuskan) Banque D'Images

Détails de l'image


Associated Press / Alamy Banque D'Images

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Taille du fichier:

49,9 MB (2 MB Téléchargement compressé)


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5115 x 3410 px | 43,3 x 28,9 cm | 17,1 x 11,4 inches | 300dpi

Date de la prise de vue:

18 juin 2021


Derrick Tuskan

Informations supplémentaires:

Cette image peut avoir des imperfections car il s’agit d’une image historique ou de reportage.

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