A visitor crosses in front Spanish artist Pablo Picasso's painting "Massacre in Korea" at Madrid's Reina Sofia museum in Madrid, Tuesday, June 6, 2006. Spain celebrates the 25th anniversary of the return of "Guernica" this year and the 125th anniversary of Picassos birth. The painting depicts the German bombing of this small Basque town during the Spanish Civil War. (AP Photo/Bernat Armangue)

A visitor crosses in front Spanish artist Pablo Picasso's painting "Massacre in Korea" at Madrid's Reina Sofia museum in Madrid, Tuesday, June 6, 2006. Spain celebrates the 25th anniversary of the return of "Guernica" this year and the 125th anniversary of Picassos birth. The painting depicts the German bombing of this small Basque town during the Spanish Civil War. (AP Photo/Bernat Armangue) Banque D'Images

Détails de l'image


Associated Press / Alamy Banque D'Images

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16,5 MB (520,1 KB Téléchargement compressé)


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2847 x 2025 px | 24,1 x 17,1 cm | 9,5 x 6,8 inches | 300dpi

Date de la prise de vue:

6 juin 2006


Bernat Armangue

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Cette image peut avoir des imperfections car il s’agit d’une image historique ou de reportage.

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