New York Yankees designated hitter Hideki Matsui, left, signs an autograph before entering the locker room for treatment on his knee during spring training at Steinbrenner Field in Tampa, Fla., Tuesday, March 31, 2009. Matsui had a day off while the rest of the team traveled to Sarasota for a spring training game against the Cincinnati Reds. (AP Photo/Kathy Willens)

New York Yankees designated hitter Hideki Matsui, left, signs an autograph before entering the locker room for treatment on his knee during spring training at Steinbrenner Field in Tampa, Fla., Tuesday, March 31, 2009. Matsui had a day off while the rest of the team traveled to Sarasota for a spring training game against the Cincinnati Reds. (AP Photo/Kathy Willens) Banque D'Images

Détails de l'image

Personnes figurant sur les images:

Hideki Matsui


Associated Press / Alamy Banque D'Images

ID de l’image:


Taille du fichier:

22,1 MB (759,4 KB Téléchargement compressé)


Modèle - non | Propriété - nonUne autorisation est-elle nécessaire?


3248 x 2376 px | 27,5 x 20,1 cm | 10,8 x 7,9 inches | 300dpi

Date de la prise de vue:

31 mars 2009


Kathy Willens

Informations supplémentaires:

Cette image peut avoir des imperfections car il s’agit d’une image historique ou de reportage.

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